Rugby 6 mile road race. 13.05.15

I was looking forward to doing this race once again I was full of anticipation of how this run was going to go and challenge myself once again on this course. The weather was kind with lovely evening sunshine and a light wind.  The race didn’t start to 7.45pm so I arrived early and got registered and did my warm up and met up with Peter Estick. So it was going to be two Massey Runners swarmed by other local running clubs in this race,
Once everybody had arrived we formed up on the main road and given final instructions we then set off on the 6mile course. At first we were very bunched up and over the first 100 to 200 metres then everyone was started to spread out. I headed a long the main road feeling good with the pace that I was going at, we took a sharp left turn on to a country lane which we would stay on for the next mile and a half which had a downward decline which meant my speed was picking up.
I passed the first mile marker and felt I was making good pace and during the 2nd mile there was some small inclines and declines going over the M45 motorway. At the 2 and half mile stage there was a water station, After the water station I then made my way to the half way point at 3miles. Heading towards the 3mile marker there was a steep hill that we had to pass once I got up the hill it was sharp left hand turn and I could see that we made the half way point.
What was helpful to me was a marshal shouting out each persons time at the half way point. The time he shouted out for myself was 28minutes and 47secs. That spurred me on because I was making good progress and a sub 60 was on the cards. The next mile was fairly flat along a country lanes and in the distance the sun was slowly starting to set. I pushed myself hard during this mile. As I approached the 4mile marker I was still feeling strong and felt was making good progress.  During mile 4-5 the course started to change again with two big hills to run up. I could see that these hills were taking there toll on some of the runners in front of me as they were starting to walk so that motivated me to catch and overtake them which I did. I digged in deep as I ran up the hills and I thought to myself that this good practice for the Two Castles.
I got to the 5 mile mark and it was the run home know to focus my mind, I still felt really strong after getting up the hills during the last mile. I then turned back on to Ashlawn Road and headed back to the Rugby Club. The last mile felt that it will never end. I turned into the sports ground then it was the customary sprint on the Rugby pitch to the finish. For a minute I was thinking to myself I wish I had a rugby ball in my hand and I was running towards the try line for England I can only dream. As I crossed the finish line there was a lot of cheering and support. I felt a big sense of achievement as I had feeling that I had achieved a sub 60.
A couple of minutes later I could see Peter coming along the rugby pitch to the finish and cheer him over the line. Well done Peter.
In the main the run was very well organised and we had opportunity to run through some nice countryside and some good hills and declines to test your stamina and endurance. I would definitely recommend this race it would be nice to have more Massey runners do it in the future.
Race Results
Kelvin Elliott     58m 36secs
Peter Estick      62m 58secs
Race report by Kelvin Elliott