Illmington 10k – 17.12.23

Race report by David Phillips.


Well what a fantastic and superb event this was so huge thanks to the Tempo Events Bosses Sarah and Rob and the 289 runners. What happens in the series of 5 runs is that the course changes direction from clockwise to anticlockwise for 4 of the 5 races and the 3rd race is usually a mixture of both ways. However yesterday after 1k we went on a completely different and unknown route uphill from the village and on up and up to a new top that most of us had never seen before. As with the other courses we had to climb up a very steep lane to the top and the scenery was wonderful all the way up. Then it was great on the way down and of course easier than the way up! Plus the small lane was almost traffic free with just farms along it all over the place. A truly beautiful area which most of us had never seen before. Hopefully next year Sarah and Rob will repeat this but the other way round.

Eventually we got to the bottom at about 7k and then we were back on the old usual course again going out of the village on a closed road then the normal 2k route to the finish.

As usual there were marshals helping us not to get lost so the event was brilliant and we all look forward to the 4th in the series in January in the vertical anti clockwise direction at the start.

Look forward to the next 2 in the series so well done again Tempo Events and of course for the packet of sausages each of us had for running it.

Plus of course yesterday was a sellout so no entries on the day! As usual 4 of us started 45 minutes earlier so I finished in the top ten BUT was officially last. Never mind it was great fun.

Massey Results.

40 Alan McDougal 45.35

126 Jonathan Kingston 55.31

212 Daniel Connolly 1.05.07

218 Alison Lowe 1.05.51

225 Katie Kingston 1.06.53

257 Mary Connolly 1.11.26

281 Kelli Sahan 1.22.59

289 David Phillips 1.30.05

Have a good Christmas everyone.