London Marathon Ballot

London Marathon

Many Massey runners have participated in the London Marathon.

As an affiliated club, we are usually allocated at least one place each year. These are won by members in a ballot, with the draw taking place annually at the Christmas party.

Other club members have entered the marathon through the main ballot, as a Good For Age entrant or for charity.

Ballot Winners

Janette Popplewell
Jenna Pogue

Molly Simms
Wendy Foxall

Molly Simms
Wendy Foxall

Christina Semple
Nicole Rose
Johanna Hayes (deferred from 2020)

Cristina Semple & Nicole Rose
Nicole Rose & Cristina Semple

Kelvin Elliott (deferred from 2020)
Nicola Hunt (deferred from 2020)

Kelvin Elliott
Nicola Hunt
Nicola Hunt

Jill Waterford
John Bennett
Philip McCarron

John Bennett
John Bennett

Places deferred due to Covid.

Kelvin Elliott
Nicola Hunt
Johanna Hayes

Darren Chambers
Nicole Chambers
Claire Newman

Claire Newman

Sonia Karamat
Anne-Marie Goodwin
Anita Sharma

Anne-Marie Goodwin

Stuart Sahan
Lisa Kenny
Rob Eyley (referred to 2018)

Stuart Sahan

Emma Cutting
Ross Cooper

Craig Keenan
Stuart Liggins
Daniel Connolly

Massey London Marathon Gallery