Boston (Lincs) Marathon – 17.04.16.

Race report by Dave Phillips.

I felt lousy when I left home today at 0500 hrs today, worse when I arrived at Boston at 0730 hrs and like death warmed up on the start line at 0900 hrs with 160 full marathon and 150 half marathon runners.

The last “Boston” was >20+ years ago so it was a “must do” I guess.

It was very sunny but cold and windy and in Lincs this is not a good mix.

By 6 miles I’d had it and could have forked off with the half runners but my brain wouldn’t let me.” What brain?” my daughter keeps asking me. Hmm.

So I plodded on at the back of the pack and only saw 3 other runners for the next 18 miles or so but running in Lincs has its problems. In fact I found this marathon harder than any. Mental fatigue had a lot to do with it. Why? Well all around Boston is the flattest part of the UK (and maybe the world). It’s the veg growing area so there are no animals, hedges, trees, people, shops, pubs and even the farms were miles off the road. In fact you could see for miles in each direction and the road ahead just went on and on and on. Then when you turned a corner the same views again. Unrelenting and mentally very hard and I found it a real strain.

In fact the highest bit of land was were the farmers had ridged up the potatoes (about 1 foot high). Plus whole multi acre fields covered in white plastic just made the views mind boggling.

Eventually I rounded a rare corner expecting to see the 24 mile marker but it was the 23 one so the agony continued.

Eventually the finish line came into view in the college car park and was I glad.

Then the 2.5 hour drive home.

Knackered now so it’s 2030 hrs and bed.

Massey time:

Dave Phillips 5 hrs 47 mins.

Hope London’s better next week.