Peopleton Scenic Six – 10.04.16

Peopleton Scenic Six – 10.4.16.

Race report by Dave Phillips.

What a fantastic, stunning, superb, friendly but very hard 6 miler this was. Where ever is Peopleton I hear you ask? Well it’s on the old Stratford to Worcester road, through Inkeberrow  and turn left at the Coventry Arms then 2 miles down is a tiny village called Peopleton. The race was organised by St. Richard’s Hospice as a fund raising event and there was a 2 and 6 miler. Loads of kids and parents did the 2 and about 100 the 6. It was a 2 lapper mainly over private farmland fields opened up for the event with a few tracks, streams, woods, hills en route. We were accompanied by hundreds of sheep and lambs charging madly in all directions with us, at us, away from us-truly spectacular. Plus the truly scenic course makes it a 2017 certainty.

Because it was not a typical “club road race” the participants and marshals were so friendly that it was a joy to be there. But it was a real toughie, very muddy and slippery, covered with sheep poo all over but well worth the journey.

Then after in the village hall the ladies had made enough sandwiches and cakes to “feed the 5,000” so I bought a load and they are now at home-well some of them.

So a good warmer for the 2 marathons in the next 2 weeks at Boston (Lincs) and then London.

Nice medal for all finisher and nearly £3k was raised on the day with event entries, cake sales etc. for the Hospice so a Sunday well spent.

Massey time:

Dave Phillips: 72 mins 2 secs.