MFRC Lifetime Members

The Award of Life Membership of MFRC

Life Members meet once a year to consider nominations for Life Membership. The meeting takes place two months prior to the annual MFRC Awards Night in order that the committee can be informed of the outcome and the awards prepared. Nominations for Life Membership are made by a proposer and seconder stating the merits of their nominee and circulated to all Life Members prior to the meeting.

A majority vote amongst Life Members present at the meeting will be required for the nomination to succeed.  Life Members can decided that there are no suitable candidates to be considered at their meeting.  Life Members can consider any changes to be made to the criteria at the annual meeting.

Life Members Meeting – March 2018

Criteria for Proposal

Minimum membership of MFRC of 15 continuous years however consideration will also be made to those members who have provided a considerable contribution to the running of the club as members of the MFRC committee over a 10 year period. That is to say they may not have reached the 15 year membership criteria but have been a member for 10 years or more serving on the committee in an important role.

The member must be a current paid up member of the club

The nominee will have performed services to the club – for example and in no particular order, organising races and events, marshalling, officiating, and/or timekeeping at races, organising the club handicaps, organising Racefit and/or club training nights, performing key roles for the club e.g Chairman, secretary, treasurer, social secretary, and other key roles on the committee.

Races include road, road relays and cross country.

Nominee should have participated in races for the club, including road, road relays and cross country.

Nominee may have excelled at running, through being selected to represent Great Britain or the country of their birth, and/or England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. The nominee in this instance, will also have represented MFRC in road races and cross country over the years.

The award decision of the Life Members meeting will remain confidential until the annual awards night.

Current MFRC Life Members 2024

Terry Brown1994
Pete Croker1994
Wal Cunningham1994
Graham Patton1997
John Peavoy1997
Brian Richards1997
Dave Clarke1998
Terry Harvey1999
Norman Jarvis1999
Steve Parkes1999
John Aylmer2001
Mal Boileau2002
Neil Clarke2002
John Grady2002
Tony Hoy2002
Jim Nicholson2002
Martin Smith2002
Derek Burns2007
Dave Phillips2007
Sally Slevin2007
Jim Davis2009
Martin Judge2015
Dean Semple2015
Dominic Lenehan2016
Chris Brown2017
Peter Estick2017
Lesley Keighley2017
Terry Lawson2017
Paula Shore-Marston2017
Dave Lee2019
Ian Redford2019
Martin Glassborow2019
Rachel Brock 2023
John Clarke2023
Sheila Johnson2023
Carl Semple2023
Dave Goodwin 2024
Cathy Keay 2024
Peter Paprcka 2024