Stratford Summer 6 – 21.7.18

Race report by David Phillips 

This event gets more popular every year and as we walked to the start I commented that there must be 300 starters. How wrong can you be? Just seen the results and there were 306. What sort of accountant am I?

A really lovely country lane course but a lot of up and down but virtually traffic free with great marshals so well done Stratford RC again. Just maybe an earlier start in future? The start was a sluggish climb out of the village then a neo vertical drop to the junction (done with the knowledge that at 5 miles you returned to this killer hill again-the other way).

So a very picturesque route took us through great countryside until at 3 miles there was a nasty hill up to 4 so that slowed us (well me) down a tad.

Eventually we turned right to see the killer hill and the 5 mile mark knowing that soon back in Wilmcote there would be loads of supporters at the 2 pubs shouting us in (all armed with pints). Must admit I could/should have stopped for one but then I’d have stayed for ever I guess.

Then round the final bend and there was the finish line where we collected our lovely blue T shirt. Also there was the usual cake stall where the ladies were selling their home cooked products so I bought 10 for Robina’s summer present so job done there.

Massey had 2 in the 1st 20 so well done you Dean and Chris, I was also in the last 5 so we led and swept I guess (my choice).