Results for the EMGP Milton Keynes 10k – 12.7.22
This was held on the roads and redways around Milton Keynes. Starting in Woughton Playing Fields and finished at the Open University.
Position | Time | Name |
157 | 00:47:55 | Sue Leonard |
Results for the Timberhonger 10k – 16.7.22
Timberhonger 10k is so called as most of the route is on Timberhonger Lane. It has traditionally been part of Bromsgrove Carnival weekend with all profits donated to charity. The route started at the Bromsgrove end of Timberhonger Lane, close to Sanders Park, then snaked it’s way down Timberhonger Lane for approximately 3k before doing two 2k loops round Berry Lane and Newhouse Lane, then returning back up Timberhonger Lane to Sanders Park. The race finished with a run across the backfield of Sanders Park to the finishing line.
Position | Time | Name |
46 | 00:45:00 | Alan McDougall |
Results for the Compton Verney Half Marathon – 17.7.22
The half marathon set off from the front of the house and wound through the villages of Kineton, Little Kineton and Radway before returning up the “cheeky” Pittern Hill at 11.5 miles and back to finish on the lawns of Compton Verney by the lake.
Position | Time | Name |
22 | 01:38:53 | Steve Glaze |
41 | 01:46:00 | Barry Allen |
121 | 02:11:00 | John Bennett |
148 | 02:21:23 | Rachael Allen |
160 | 02:36:54 | Nicola Glaze |
170 | 03:19:07 | Kelvin Elliott |
Results for the Gato Sports Summer 10k – Race 3 – 20.7.22
Hosted by Big Bear Events this is a series of 3 10k events held around Ryton Pools country Park, running around the pool and meadows.
Position | Time | Name |
9 | 00:44:05 | Alan McDougall |
11 | 00:45:16 | Grahame Flanagan |
46 | 01:40:22 | Emma King |
54 | 01:07:20 | Chris Bevis |
56 | 01:10:09 | Donna Bennett |
57 | 01:10:13 | Liz Hurst |
Results for the Rugby 6 – 20.7.22
The course was a single 6 mile loop of Ashlawn Rd, Onley Lane and Barby Lane.
Position | Time | Name |
160 | 00:47:22 | Sue Leonard |
199 | 00:53:24 | John Bennett |
Results for the Age Grader 5 Miler – 24.7.22
This is a race that recognises the performance of older runners and also provides a fast course for younger runners to achieve PB’s.
Position | Time | Name |
54 | 00:41:15 | Sonia Karamat |
73 | 00:48:22 | Angela McKay |
Results for the Black Country Road Run 10k – 24.7.22
Position | Time | Name |
43 | 00:44:59 | Dave Lee |