Results for 25th September 2016

Results for the Nottingham Marathon & Half-marathon – 25.9.16

This new route for 2016 saw runners start and finish next to the River Trent on Victoria Embankment, the route was the same for both distances running past Nottingham Castle, the Park Estate and Wollaton Park until approx. 12.5 miles when the half-marathoners headed for their finish while the marathoners carried on past the Race Course, Colwick Country Park, National Water Centre, Nottingham Forest FC, and Trent Bridge.



Position Time Name
304 03:48:48 Richard Taylor
377 03:54:31 Matthew Amos
750 04:24:53 Rachel Brock
1078 05:16:12 David Goodwin


Position Time Name
5213 02:28:41 Anne-Marie Paszkiewicz

Results for the Berlin Marathon – 25.9.16

2 Massey Runners took to the streets of Berlin for the 43rd Berlin Marathon, rated as one of the 5 Masters.  The course itself is notoriously flat and quick, with plenty of world records having been set there throughout the years.

Position Time Name
05:11:14 05:11:14 Jason Douglas
05:11:14 05:11:14 Phyllis Douglas

Results for the NSPCC Milton Keynes Half-marathon – 25.9.16

This half-marathon was a 2 lap course which was run on the Redways (purpose built cycle paths) and took in some of the best sights of Milton Keynes including the Grand Union Canal, woodland and Campbell Park.

Position Time Name
01:50:44 Brian Boyle

Results for the Cheltenham Half Marathon – 25.9.16

This new route for 2016 saw runners start and finish at Cheltenham racecourse.  The route headed south through Approach Golf Course and the University of Gloucestershire, and past Cheltenham Ladies College.  At 6 miles the route started to head north through Montepellier Gardens and at 10 miles runners ran through Pittville Park & Pump Room and back towards the racecourse, with the final mile around the racecourse. 

Position Time Name
2517 02:21:00 Lee Hill
2518 02:21:00 Dave Fawkner

Results for the Windsor Half Marathon – 25.9.16

The start and finish of this route was on the Long Walk within Windsor Great Park and with Windsor Castle as the backdrop.  The course was two laps, one of approximately 4 miles, the other of about 7.5 miles with the remainder made up by the 1.5 mile Long Walk at the start and end of the race.

The course was described as undulating, with some flat stretches, and some hilly sections.   The final 1.5 miles along the Long Walk had the impressive sight of Windsor Castle in the distance beyond the finish line. 

Position Time Name
1047 01:49:48 Cathy McKeown
3348 02:21:29 Geoff Sanders

Results for the Peak District Tough 10k – 25.9.16

Cancer Research UK’s Tough 10 is a brand new series of epic 10k runs taking place at 10 iconic venues across the UK. This one was within the Castleton area of the Peak District and was described as the toughest of all the tough 10 events !  The Terrain was listed as:- 30% grass, 50% trails and paths, 10% road,  10% mud.

Position Time Name
01:11:56 Elisse Breugelmans

Results for the Draycote Run for Rotary 10k – 25.9.16

This 10k route went on an anti-clockwise circuit around the reservoir for 8.8 km and then looped back to give the required distance.


Position Time Name
46 00:47:54 James Padvis
163 01:05:34 Sonia Karamat
176 01:08:11 Joanne Pinches

Results for the Balsall Common Fun Run 10k – 25.9.16

The Balsall Common Festival Fun Run is organised by The Lily Mae Foundation, a local charity and in keeping with the Festival moto “by the community for the community”.  The route started and finished at The Heart of England School with runners opting for 5k or 10k.  Well done George Semple for coming first (for the second year) in the junior 5k.

balsall-common-fun-run-2016-george balsall-common-fun-run-2016


Position Time Name
16 00:43:30 Steve Mumford
22 00:45:04 David James
30 00:48:12 Ian O’Donnell
51 00:49:55 Jonathan Kingston
118 00:58:09 Lisa Kenny
130 00:59:27 Katie Kingston


Position Time Name
1 00:18:37 George Semple (Junior race)
6 00:21:04 Sam Lowe







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