Warwick Half Marathon – 1.3.20

Race report by Dave Phillips.

I did the very 1st Warwick ½ (from the racecourse but in the opposite direction) around 1986 and I met a Massey Runner Hugh Docherty and ran with him. What’s that red and white vest I asked? The rest is history and I joined Massey soon after and I’ve done all the Warwick halves since so thanks Hughie.

Today’s event was huge with 1479 finishers but what a cold  and windy day it was for the quite hilly course. Not steep but many of them-mostly upwards.

The whole course was on closed roads and it is probably one of the most scenic runs around here.

So off we went at 0900 hrs into Warwick and on past the Saxon Mill towards Leek Wootton where Dean Clarke was hobbling back towards us with an injury and he told us had pulled out and was hobbling back. Hope all is well Dean.

Then from Leek Wootton it was up and down on lovely lanes in wind protected areas so not too bad until Kelvin Elliot jogged past me.

There were plenty of friendly marshals all the way round at one point my friend-a sarcastic marshal-was leaning on a sign that said “road closed for 5 days from 2/3/20.” He saw me and said ”ah we can take the sign down now Dave’s made it”. Thanks!

Eventually we headed towards Hampton on the Hill and yes that was a very hilly part of the course but we were now at 12 miles and Kelvin was in my behind me so good news there.

At last on the main road came the 12 mile mark and the racecourse was in sight so another job done.

Super huge medal, free Hook Norton beer and bananas at the finish so for a Welshman not a bad St. David’s Day.

Just checked the results and Dean is there as a finisher ???? on page 2 and so am I on the last page but not as a Massey Ferguson runner. Weird.

So a cold, windy but enjoyable day and in the tent at the end 5 Massey runners posed for Kelvin’s camera.

Massey result:

Dave Phillips 2.56 (362nd ½ so 38 to go).