Race reports by Dave Phillips.
You could even call this the Morning after the Night Before but at least I was sober!
Timberhonger is in Bromsgrove and this was their 16th 10k and I do it every year now. It starts in the park where there was a super fun fair, stalls, music, kids’ races, food in fact everything and packed with families. Plus 4 other regular Red and Whites at this event. However it’s probably one of the toughest 10ks there is as from the start it just uphill then it’s 5k up and down then the return journey is 5k up and down so in reality it’s 5 up and 5 “downish”. Hardly any flat but a beautiful country lane course with great scenery on traffic free closed lanes. Why Timberhonger? Well it’s because you run for much of the course on Timberhonger Lane passing Timberhonger manor, court, cottage, farm, etc. What more could you want?
So a really well marshalled event then at 8k came the huge hill to 9k with a friendly notice “Warning very steep hill ahead-just get over it”. How true. At least the last 1k was flat in the park to the finish with hundreds of people shouting us in, music all over the place so a real party atmosphere.
Then the medal and a free beer!
Massey time:
Dave Phillips.: 1.21
Then up early on Sunday for Northbrook’s 10k. This is not flat but compared with yesterday it was a doddle! Great turnout of Red and Whites from Cov’s 1st club to support Cov’s 2nd club so well done! Plus well done Northbrook for a super event –again on closed roads just like yesterday. A lovely country course with great marshals and drink stations a plenty. Mind you at the rear end of the pack there were not too many people to chat to but who cares? Peaceful it really was so a morning well spent.
Then super goodies at the end and a lovely prize giving occasion in the scout hut with cakes and other bits and pieces to enjoy.
Massey time:
Dave Phillips: 1.23