Regency 10k – 10.4.22

Race report by David Phillips.

Regency 10k, Leamington Spa, 10/04/22.

Well once again this event proved to be a favourite with many people with a very full field of nearly 2,000 runners (so it seemed) starting at the very early time of 09:00 hrs. So for the leaders it was over early in the morning-then breakfast!

As usual the baggage and finish area was full of loads of people plus a large Massey group that kept getting larger by the minute.

Then the short stroll to the start in Newbold Terrace where more red and whites kept on appearing. There were so many that I decided that I’d be their sweeper in case anyone had problems!

So off we went at 09:00 hrs all around the lovely wooded common and what was until recently the Newbold Common golf course (now closed we think as no golf there for 2 years), and no roads or traffic and great scenery. It was a tough 1st 5k on paths and bridleways and there were many slopes upwards until the top was reached then not too bad.

Eventually we were back at the start at 6k for the final 4k jog past the Pump Rooms and back into the lovely Jephson Gardens where we followed the river to the finish back in the Mill Gardens.

Huge crowds welcomed us in where we were given our T shirts, medal, water bottle all in a very nice cloth bag.

Plus there were loads of red and whites there when I finished so we all had a good chat.

So well done the organisers and roll on 2023.


David Phillips 1hr 25 mins 38 secs.