Ladies XC, Cofton Park, Birmingham – 13.1.18

Race Report by Nicky Chambers
The 3rd race of the season was on a tough undulating course and was a joint event with the men running also. We had a fantastic turnout of 22 ladies who ran and who all put their heart and soul into every one of the 4 miles. They all put in a huge effort and pushing other teams down the field by beating them over the finish line.
The ladies team came in 7th position on the day out of a total of 23. The ladies have gone from strength to strength this season and currently we stand 9th overall.
1st 3 ladies in were Vir Silio, Marie Edmunds, and Lizzie Dobson and all scoring us a huge amount of points.
1st 4 seniors were Marie Edmunds, Lizzie Dobson, Jess Rexworthy and Sophie Abbott.
1st 4 masters were Vir Silio, Zoe Moore, Jackie Schofield and Cristina Semple.
Please see attached full set of results.
The 4th and final race is on the 10th Feb @ Wolverhampton. There is always room for more runners, so please do consider taking part.
If you are unable to run, then why not come and support and cheer the team on!
Well done to everyone that ran and thank you so much for your continued support. You do the club proud.