Kingsbury Classic 10k (Dave) – 7.5.19

Race report by Dave Phillips.

This was the 19th  race here and I seem to have done most of them. Massey runners were all over the place and once again the ladies outnumbered the men (now you know why I do so many races!).

As usual it was a 2 lapper all around the woods, trails and tracks, open areas all with great views, all around the lakes, along the river bank so what a better way to spend a Tuesday evening?

The marshals were super and there were plenty around to make sure you kept to the correct trails so well done Peel Runners.

Lap one was OK as there were runners with me especially at the end where the leaders passed me but lap 2 was lonely and getting darkish.  As usual there were gnats by the river banks so closed mouths was the “order of the day”-as always.

Finally the end was in sight with the red and whites waiting for us all to finish so well done everyone.  Nice medal for all finishers so an evening well spent.

But it was a race of numbers in my case.

My race number was 555.

I was the 118th male out of 118 men in the race (118/118).

I was 1st in my age category (only one in it!!!) so it appeared as 1/1 in the race results (but no prize).

So roll on 2020 for the 20th (20/20) so this year it was 19/19!!

Typical accountant do I hear??

Massey time:

Dave Phillips 78.05.