Like the name suggests this is a race with some extreme elevation gains and losses. It is a 100 mile road relay race, through the Cotswolds, and divided into 10 legs of approximately 10 miles each. Each runner has to be self sufficient as there are no Marshall’s or water stations and all roads are open. Having a good nose for navigation is a massive advantage also as many runners do get lost each year.
Every year someone will argue they had the toughest and hilliest leg but Leg 4 wins with Leg 2 a very close second.
Leg 3 is the longest with a total distance of 10.6 miles and Leg 7 not far behind.
This year we put out 4 teams:- 1 Men’s, 1 Ladies and 2 Mixed, with the Ladies starting at 5am, the 2 mixed at 6am and the men at 7am.
Luckily the weather was kind apart form the early hours where Rachel Bignall who was running Leg 1 for the ladies, at a godforsaken hour, and had to endure a rather wet start and the midday runs were a little bit warm.
All teams put in a great effort with true team spirit and camaraderie and were only able to do so with a fantastic support crew. We had the likes of Grahame Flanagan who cycled the full course to help chaperone the runners and provide water. Julie Flanagan and Chris Foxall were available all day for Time-Keeping and emergency contacts. There were also many wives, husbands, partners and members chaperoning the runners, such as Trevor Day, Mary Judge, Paul Mattock, Jane Damms, Wendy Foxall, Darren Chambers, David Semple, Jodie Turner, and Jason Douglas. I apologise if I have missed anyone.
All team times are attached
2018 Date – TBA (13th May Provisional)