5th Tempo Winter Series – 16.2.20

Race report by Dave Phillips.

Well why ever did 294 people turn out for this today? Must be mad. Floods all the way there, rain and more rain and that 80+ MPH wind on the course.

So off we went anti clockwise for the last of the series and it wasn’t long until we were head on into that gale. So as we climbed the first 4k to the highest point in Warks. that wind was a killer in fact it blew a few of us backwards at one point near the top but we carried on.

Fortunately you turn left at the top and it’s sort of flat then downhill but at least the wind wasn’t into our faces so jogging in a forward direction was possible.

More rain but at least we were at the bottom of the hill at 6k but that’s where we turn round and the back into the wind and much more uphill for the last 4k to the finish.

Usual sausages for the finishers (plus as always I buy a few packs) and hoodies for those who did all 5 races. I missed the 1st so next year probably I’ll get mine.

Usual cakes, coffee and bacon batches in the club and prize giving for the overall winners made it a good wet and windy day out.

Well done Dean Clarke who was 3rd overall in the Senior Men’s category after 5 races and he won a lovely engraved glass.

At least I didn’t sweep today as there were 2 behind me.

So also again well done to Tempo Events for putting on this event. Check them out as they do plenty of races locally.

Massey Results.

5th Dean Clarke 38.51.

38th Alan McDougal  45.50.

127th Chris Foxall 54.30.

292nd Dave Phillips 85.25 (3rd in age category-probably only 3 of us in it!).

So roll on Warwick ½ in 2 weeks.